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Letters to the editor: Why did the business section uncritically spotlight a radical leftist?

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Some questions for Gabriela Sandoval

I have additional questions for Gabriela Sandoval, Executive Director of the Excessive Wealth Disorder Institute (“A Wealth of Problems”; Sunday April 23, 2023).

First, I want to know what home she and her family live in since I want to be able to decide, as she feels she can for others, whether or not she needs her house.

Then, I want to know what she has ever produced for our economy and how many jobs she has created. Further, I will decide whether those jobs, on the chance she’s been a contributor to our economy, are the right kind of jobs.

I’m confident that most Americans want to live in the nicest house they can afford and appreciate that they can pursue whatever occupation they desire in order to make a living. Finally, I’m sure that most Americans would disagree with her dismal assertion that the vast majority of them don’t have access to opportunity.

Ethan Baron would do a great service to the readership if he provided a balanced analysis of redistributionist theories which have done nothing to support the economic greatness and widespread prosperity in the United States relative to the rest of the world.

– Steve ShatynskiBrea

Gabriela Sandoval should mind her own business

Gabriela Sandoval sees a $20 million house and thinks “nobody needs this.” What business is it of hers? Or mine? Or anyone’s? Whether that homeowner earned the money to buy that house, or inherited it, or are “hoarding” more money than they can spend in a lifetime is no one’s business but theirs. Suddenly we have a new “disorder” based on the fact that someone has a lot of money? Who decides what is “a lot”? Or “too much”?

Sandoval also throws in the inevitable race card by stating that black families are audited at a much higher rate than white families. Really? Show the data. It’s my understanding that every tax return is run through a computer that flags discrepancies like math errors and grossly exaggerated deductions and write-offs. I didn’t know computers were racist.

I look at beautiful mansions and daydream what it would be like to live there. I don’t make up a disease or disorder to vilify the owner.

–  B. Carey,  San Clemente Leftist smokescreen

Gabriela Sandoval executive director of the Excessive Disorder Institute (“A Wealth of Problems” Sunday April 23, 2023) is singing the old Siren song of there should be a ceiling of how much wealth you can own and a floor for income which no one can fall below. The new stanza is one I have not heard before: The super rich have a hoarding psychosis. I wonder what ‘science’ proves her point.

What a smoke screen for moving our country to higher taxes while continuing to implement a Marxist economy, that ensures poverty for all.

— Jorge Velez, Long Beach 

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