Request A Quote
The first step in getting a technology rental is to contact us. You can call, text, fill out a quote online or chat with a live agent. If you fill out a quote online during business hours, you will receive a response shortly
Review & Confirmation
Once the Haas team reviews and understands your needs they will send you a formal rental quote via email. If you have any questions, or would like to see a revision, simply contact your team member and they will be glad to assist.
Once you have thoroughly reviewed your rental quote, simply sign and return your quote and you will receive a prompt “thank you”, and a confirmation, that your order has been booked.
Prep & Deliver
Your equipment will be physically cleaned. Its software will be reset to the factory defaults. Once your equipment is inspected to meet quality standards it will be shipped or delivered on time to your required destination.
Use, Succeed and Return
Enjoy your event and your technology rental. Once your rental term has come to the end and your project or event is complete, simply contact your HaaS team to confirm the details of your equipment’s return via a pickup by A technician or shipment via a FedEx / UPS service using a preprinted return label.
All of our rental orders go through a strict underwriting process to ensure the order is legitimate and authorized. These policies help us keep our services as responsibly priced as possible. Read more for the items our underwriting department are looking for:
1: Is the person requesting the equipment who they say they are?
We receive hundreds of requests for equipment from people whose sole intention is to steal the equipment. As a proud member of the International Technology Rental Association we work hard with all technology rental companies to reduce theft and fraud.
2: Is the company or person requesting the equipment financially stable?
Some times companies or people want to rent equipment because they cannot afford to buy it. This is not the type of rental need we want to fill. We are a service provider to those who have a short term need; if a company needs to purchase equipment but cannot afford it, they can check into a lease-purchase through one of our partner financial institutes. It would be fiscally irresponsible of us to recommend renting equipment long-term.
In addition to financial stability for the client’s sake, we must ensure that if the equipment is lost or damaged, the customer can afford to replace or repair it. This financial stability can be established through trade references, security deposits, insurance policies, or other means if necessary.
3: Is the person requesting the equipment authorized to do so?
A surprising number of people try to rent equipment through their company or on their company credit card without authorization to do so. Unfortunately, just because someone works for a company doesn’t mean they can make financial decisions for that company. We will work with each company’s accounting, accounts payable, or management team as necessary to ensure that orders are only placed by authorized personnel.
Every rental is different, so there is no definitive list of requirements we have for a business rental. However, here are general guidelines that we follow. If you are worried about our requirements, please feel free to reach out to us and we can discuss your particular needs.
1: No Virtual Offices
2: Minimum of 2 Years Established Business History
3: Easily Identifiable Online Presence
4: A defined business role and time line for the equipment