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Help celebrate the Festival of Lights in Orange County

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The Chabad of Los Alamitos shared an early Chanukah, or Hanukkah, celebration with the community, lighting a giant menorah the other night at the Seal Beach Pier, the sun setting across the ocean as a backdrop.

It’s a beloved annual tradition and draws hundreds who enjoy the entertainment and family activities.

The eight-day holiday officially begins at sundown on Dec. 25 this year, and Orange County’s Jewish community is planning several celebrations around the region, inviting their neighbors to celebrate the Festival of Lights.

Here are some of the public events on the calendar:

Aliso Viejo: The Chabad of Aliso Viejo and Laguna Woods will host a community celebration of Chanukah at 5 p.m. on Dec. 26 at the Aliso Viejo Town Center, near the fountain. There will be family activities, entertainment, traditional treats and more. Information: jewishalisoviejo.com

Dana Point: There will be menorahs displayed around the city, according to the Chabad Jewish Center of Dana Point. A large menorah will be in La Plaza Park, another in the Dana Point Harbor at Dana Wharf and a third outdoors at the Gelsons Market. Information: jewishdanapoint.com

Irvine: The Chabad of North Irvine will host a community celebration at The District shopping center with activities and entertainment at 1 p.m. on Dec. 29. There will be a lighting of the grand menorah, music and family activities, as well as dreidels, latkes and donuts. Information: chabadni.com

Laguna Beach: There will be a surfboard menorah lighting starting at 2 p.m. on Dec. 29 at Main Beach. There will be entertainment, including a DJ and dancing, activities for kids, latkes and gelt and more. Information: chabadoflaguna.com

Laguna Niguel: A celebration will be hosted at Laguna Niguel City Hall at 4 p.m. on Dec. 29. Along with the traditional menorah lighting, it will feature crafts, holiday treats and live entertainment. Information: chabadlagunaniguel.com

Mission Viejo: The Chabad of Mission Viejo will celebrate the Festival of Lights with the community from 3 to 5 p.m. on Dec. 22 at the Norman P. Murray Center. Along with lighting the menorah, the event will feature music and entertainment, family activities and games. Latkes and sufganiyot, or jelly donuts, will be served. Information: cityofmissionviejo.org

Newport Beach: The Chabad Center for Jewish Life is presenting a community celebration starting at 1 p.m. on Dec. 25. There will be activities for children, treats, a gelt drop from a firetruck ladder and a concert with The Moshav Band. It will be held outdoors at the center, 2240 University Drive, overlooking the Back Bay. Information: jewishnewport.com

Newport Beach: The Chabad Center for Jewish Life is hosting a menorah lighting celebration with Fashion Island at 3 p.m. on Dec. 29 in the mall’s Atrium Garden Court. The afternoon will feature crafts and activities for families, entertainment, including a performance by OC Klezmers, dreidels and donuts and more. Visitors are encouraged to bring an unwrapped gift for the toy drive. Information: jewishnewport.com

Orange, Santa Ana: Temple Beth Sholom will host a menorah lighting at 6 p.m. nightly in the traffic circle of the Orange Plaza from Dec. 25 to Jan. 1, except Dec. 27. Temple Beth Sholom serves a large population in Orange. Information: tbsoc.com/chanukah

San Clemente: At 4 p.m. on Dec. 29 a ceremony lighting a giant menorah on the San Clemente pier will be held by the Chabad Jewish Center of San Clemente. There will be activities for kids, treats and entertainment. Information: jewishsc.com

San Clemente: The Chabad Jewish Center of San Clemente will participate in a menorah lighting at the Outlets at San Clemente at 4:30 p.m. on Dec. 31. There will be a giant gelt drop as well as crafts and activities, entertainment and latkes and donuts. Information: jewishsc.com

Villa Park: A Chanukah celebration will be held at 6:30 p.m. on Dec. 26 at City Hall. Information: ocjewish.com

Yorba Linda: A pre-Chanukah community event will be held at 5:30 p.m. on Dec. 23 at the Yorba Linda Cultural Center, with a Menorah lighting, crafts and entertainment and latkes and donuts. Information: ocjewish.com

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