Ahead of the November general election, the Southern California News Group compiled a list of questions to pose to the candidates who wish to represent you. You can find the full questionnaire below. Questionnaires may have been edited for spelling, grammar, length and, in some instances, to remove hate speech and offensive language.
MORE: Read all the candidate responses in our Voter Guide
Name: Lois McNicoll
Current job title: Retired
Political party affiliation: Non-Partisan
Incumbent: No
Other political positions held: None
City where you reside: San Clemente
Campaign website or social media: loismcnicoll.com
How can the city best meet the demand and mandates for more housing, including at lower prices, while also preserving the quality of life for existing neighborhoods and residents? (Please limit your answer to 200 words or less.)
San Clemente is a beach community with limited space and resources. Affordable housing is more successful when there are available supportive services. There are other factors such as a source of income and caring for your home. The Department of Public Social Services administers several housing programs at a cost of $12,000 to $22,000 annually compared to the Homekey program at $144,000 and new construction from $380,000 to $570,000 and more. DPSS also provides other vital services such as Medi-Cal and CalFresh.
California is working toward achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2045. Where does climate change fall in your list of priorities? How, if at all, would you address this as a councilmember? (Please limit your answer to 200 words or less.)
There are many other issues that require immediate attention in San Clemente. These include sand restoration, budget matters and ensuring that small businesses are protected. I would focus on forming a relationship with other beach cities and local issues.
How should the city balance paying off debts, such as pension liabilities, and building reserves all while meeting residents’ needs? Should a solution involve finding new revenue, trimming the budget, or something else entirely? (Please limit your answer to 200 words or less.)
Should use amortization with the level dollar method to ensure that pension liabilities receive predictable contributions from year to year and are paid off in 15 years. Generating revenue means increasing taxes. The budget must be carefully scrutinized for the necessity of large expenditures. Government must be accountable to the public and provide services within its means.
In your opinion, what is the biggest need your city faces, and how would you address it? (Please limit your answer to 200 words or less.)
Sand restoration. I would utilize proven technology that accretes and retains sand on the beach. This is a permanent solution because we would own this methodology. It can be moved, removed and stored. We would be using our own sand so there would be no expenses for purchasing, transporting or placing the sand on the beach. The current Army Corps of Engineers project costs San Clemente $10 million every five years for 50 years, covers a limited area of the beach and is a temporary solution.
Why would you make a good leader, and how would you represent the diverse communities of your city? (Please limit your answer to 200 words or less.)
I speak on issues at City Council and community meetings, worked with North Beach Homeowners Association in the fight to obtain private security and attended City Council meetings, presented information and wrote City Council members advocating for private security.
The public needs to be more engaged. Councilmembers should do more than the legal requirement. Information that affects our entire community must be presented in a venue outside of council chambers where people can truly voice their opinions and ask questions. Develop work groups consisting of surfers, homeowners, realtors and local businesses to provide input before a final decision.
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