What has the government done for you lately?
In spite of the many billions of dollars that our government has in its coffers and the outsized influence that it has over our nation and the world, it appears that the majority of us scratch our heads when this question is posed to us. In addition to police, fire and other emergency services, there is no doubt that we have access to a variety of other government programs. However, if one takes a step back and looks at the broader picture, it would appear that the majority of these government programs are in place to solve a problem that the very government itself created.
Government thrives when it maintains power and it is precisely its desire for greater power and enormous wealth that motivates it to place the populous in situations that force the same populous to become almost completely dependent on the government, begging for help when in need.
During the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, we were witnesses to a myriad of problems that had been created by the government and that will have long-lasting effects on future generations of children and adolescents. Businesses were forced to close during mandated lockdowns which led to a number of bankruptcies and employees were terminated because they refused to obtain the COVID-19 vaccination. Both of these outcomes drove people into poverty and increased the rate of unemployment which at one point reached almost 15%. Perhaps most importantly, lockdowns forced students to remote learn, driving them away from the enriching experiences that are scientifically necessary for their development into successful and sociable young people who will effectively lead our society.
Recent studies demonstrate how students in the United States have been significantly impacted by the closure of schools. For instance, the number of children who attempted suicide rose by 51% during the peak of the pandemic lockdowns. In addition to that, the number of children who are classified as obese has nearly doubled. To add insult to injury, the pandemic claimed the lives of at least one parent or primary caregiver for more than 200,000 children.
As a direct result of this, we are already observing children who are significantly less sociable as well as significantly more depressed and overweight. It does not take a genius to understand how the life of a child could be negatively impacted by these catastrophic government-mandated changes to normal society.
Should we be thankful to the government if, in the future, it provides us with things like health care subsidies and tax credits, as penance for the harm they caused? No, not in my opinion. When the government is the source of a problem, it should not be praised for finding solutions to the very same problem. It is inevitable that these problems are the result of hasty decision-making, which in turn results in poor policy. The situation is made even worse by the fact that the only place individuals can turn for assistance is the same government that created the issue.
These problems, created by the government, have forced the people into reliance on government assistance which has resulted in a myriad of issues. Chief among them is the pervasiveness of poverty, the growth of criminal activity and the severe lack of employment opportunities for younger people.
The fact that many of these issues have simple solutions is the aspect of this scenario that’s the most frustrating. For example, in the case of children going to school, it was known from the very beginning what the consequences of exposing them to COVID-19 would be, as well as the effects of locking children up in their rooms for two years without providing them with any opportunity for social interaction. The minimal risk of COVID-19 to children did not outweigh the benefit of keeping them in school.
It is true that children can be carriers of the COVID-19 virus even if they are not sick, however, research suggests that the lockdowns and other restrictions that we were subjected to did little, if anything, to impede the virus’s ability to spread. You need only look as far as Florida to see a state that broke the mold and did the polar opposite of what every other state did. Florida made it possible for their children to go to school, allowing them to develop socially as well as intellectually. Despite breaking the mold, which was highly controversial, their current COVID-19 rates are comparable to those of the general U.S. population. It is now abundantly clear that the potential dangers are relatively insignificant when weighed against the dangers posed to the growth and development of our children.
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Take this issue into careful consideration. How are votes gained for political candidates? Candidates gain support from voters by giving hope to individuals. Yet, if there is no issue then there cannot be any hope for a future without it. So, after the government has fixed a problem that they initially created, our elected officials have almost no trouble promoting their accomplishments on television and online while unabashedly failing to acknowledge that they created the same very problem. Pain and suffering have become part and parcel of our daily lives and as a result, too few people notice how the government wrongs them daily.
Corruption is an ongoing issue within the government and is one of the biggest contributing factors to the decline of both our communities and our nation. As Americans, we are no longer unified. Instead, we are divided by partisan politics which are made worse by the efforts of the government to increase its control over us. Unfortunately, as long as there is civilization, there will be those who seek to rule and the government needs only one idea to guide them: the more issues, the more solutions.
Armstrong Williams is a syndicated columnist.