1. Goodwill of Orange CountyMultiple locations; ocgoodwill.org
Goodwill has been a well-known community-based donation center across the United States for decades, so it’s no surprise that it has landed 1st place among the top thrift shops in Orange County. The perfect place to find a name-brand shirt or cozy pair of slacks at an affordable price, Goodwill continues to be a go-to for the residents of Orange County. The thrift shop readily accepts donations of any kind — and customers received tax-deductible receipts in return.
Although the facility has prided itself on providing new and gently used products to the residents of Orange County, Goodwill is actually so much more than just a thrift store. In the past 20 years, more than 238,000 adults and children were served by Goodwill programs and services, over 15,200 participants found meaningful employment with the organization, and nearly 4 million hours were dedicated to coaching individuals to build skills and confidence in the workplace.
In addition to bettering the community, Goodwill has been committed to assisting those who have served the United States.
“We help veterans and their families find long-term employment in the community,” Goodwill’s website reads. “The Tierney Center for Veteran Services promotes success by helping veterans access resources and services.”
2. Laura’s House Resale Stores
Lake Forest, San Juan Capistrano; 949-472-8800 or 9499-218-6400; laurashouse.org/resale-store
Laura’s House was founded in 1994 in honor of a woman named Laura who died of domestic abuse at age 38. In an effort to provide a safe place for individuals who have been subjected to abuse, co-founders Sandy Condello and Helen Kendall organized other concerned citizens and opened the Laura’s House Walk-In Center in San Clemente to offer resources, referrals and support groups to domestic violence victims. The following year, the nonprofit opened an emergency shelter..
Today, Laura’s House not only provides programs and assistance to those in need, but also serves a thrift shop for the residents of South County. Both locations offer a variety of designer items including handbags, furniture, artwork, men and women’s clothing, and even jewelry! All proceeds from the stores fund the non-profit’s community efforts and services that aim to help families that are affected by domestic violence. To meet the demand, merchandise at Laura’s House Resale Stores is now available to purchase online via Poshmark.
3. Salvation Army Thrift Store and Donation Center
Multiple locations; salvationarmyusa.org
For more than 150 years, The Salvation Army has carried out its mission to minister and provide services to the poor, serving both their physical and spiritual needs. The organization grew out of the work of founder William Booth, an English clergyman who sought to spread the gospel among denizens of London’s East End, including thieves, prostitutes, gamblers and drunks. Booth adopted the name Salvation Army for his organization in 1878 and carried the group’s message to the U.S., Canada, Australia, France, Switzerland, India and other countries.
“The Salvation Army is an evangelical part of the universal Christian Church whose ministry is motivated by the love of God,” the company’s website reads. “Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and meet human needs in His name without discrimination.”
Keeping true to its motto, The Salvation Army continues to provide services, programs, and items to those in need. With several locations scattered throughout the county, residents can snag bargain deals on clothing, home furnishings, accessories, and much more. Additionally, members of the community can access various programs including food pantries, rehabilitation services, homeless shelters, veterans services, and a litany of other types of community assistance.