Q. Dear Honk: I received my registration renewal, for more than $500, for the travel trailer we bought last year. While utility trailers have permanent plates, are used often, but not charged much of a fee, travel trailers get billed annually based on their value, even though they are only on the road a few times a year. The renewal also says the non-op option is not available. What does the Department of Motor Vehicles have against travel trailer owners?
– Don Holthe, Riverside
A. Honk enjoys looking at trailers when he is out for a long spin on the freeways, Don, but he knows little about them, so he reached out to the DMV.
“Utility trailers and other trailers that are not designed for human habitation are registered under the Permanent Trailer Identification program and are not subject to annual registration,” spokeswoman Angelica Martinez told Honk in an email. “A flat fee of $10 is due every five years.
“The registration fees for travel trailers are based on the same factors as a regular automobile,” she said. “Similar to vehicles, trailers are classified based on the body type. A travel trailer, or trailer coach, would be classified as a coach trailer, as it is designed for human habitation, and subject to annual registration.”
A non-op – officially called a “planned non-operation” – means the owner won’t touch a public roadway for the entire year the registration covers. It costs way less than an annual registration for most, if not all, vehicles.
“Travel trailers are excluded from the planned non-operation program,” she added. “Because these trailers are designed for human habitation, their mere presence in the state constitute use/operation.”
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Q. Hi Honk. Does the DMV still offer the knowledge test on paper for those people who are not comfortable taking the test on the computer?
– Roger Jenison, Downey
A. Well. …
Depends if you hit the right office at the right time.
“Our primary route is to offer the electronic tests,” said Chris Orrock, a DMV spokesman. “However, in some instances a paper test may be administered upon request.”
But, Roger, you might not even need to take it. Check your renewal notice – it should spell out your tasks to renew. (Most motorists 70 and older can renew online or mail for the rest of this year.)
If you don’t have it, Roger, email Honk, he will pass along your info to Orrock, who said someone will look up what you need to do.
Even if you need to take the knowledge test, which was once called the “written test,” you likely have options.
Many can take it online from the coziness of their home.
Or they can choose what the DMV calls eLearning, a course that might take 45 minutes to complete. No need to get nervous for this route, you can’t fail it. The quizzes for the seven sections can be taken over and over.
HONKIN’ FACT: Of the 6,500 or so crashes the California Highway Patrol responded to in 2020 involving a motorcycle, almost 80% had at least one injury, the CHP says. Worse, 328 motorcyclists were killed.
To ask Honk questions, reach him at [email protected]. He only answers those that are published. To see Honk online: ocregister.com/tag/honk. Twitter: @OCRegisterHonk