Steve-O has traveled across a tightrope over an alligator pit with raw meat hanging from his underwear. He got a tattoo while riding in the back of an off-road vehicle. Then there was the time he was catapulted into the air while inside a dirty porta-potty.
Yet the star of MTV’s “Jackass” series and films — who is somehow still alive despite his outrageous stunts — had a bucket list of insane challenges he had always wanted to try.
Armed with a camera, of course, the 47-year-old performer, whose real name is Stephen Glover, started filming the stunts and is using them as part of his stand-up comedy tour, which comes to The Novo in L.A. on March 10.
“I call it my Bucket List because the theme of the show is that I feel like I have to hurry up and get crazy and do everything I can before it becomes creepy to watch me do it because I’ve gotten too old for it to be funny,” said Steve-O, who has been performing stand-up comedy for more than a decade.
The comedy show consists of several videos of stunts he’s performed since 2018, one of which he performed immediately after a vasectomy and the other, well, involves laxatives. He provides humorous commentary to the mix.
“There were a handful of ideas that I had for the longest time that were just frankly so crazy that I never thought I would go through them,” said Steve-O, who in the early years of his career dealt with substance abuse issues but has now been sober for more than a decade.
So yeah, he was totally clear-headed when he did all the crazy stuff featured on the Bucket List Tour, which is for fans 18 and older for good reason.
“One of them really counts as triple X-rated. I know my publicist hates for me to describe my show as triple X-rated but there really is no way around it,” he said.
Steve-O shot to fame like a human cannonball after “Jackass” premiered on MTV in 2000 thanks to his outrageous stunts that often left even some of his equally extreme co-stars in awe.
Since then he’s had a starring role in the Jackass films, including the latest “Jackass Forever” movie, which was released in February.
Steve-O, who earned his fame thanks to his outrageous stuns on MTV’s “Jackass,” has been performing stand-up comedy for more than a decade now and comes to The Novo Theatre March 10 as part of “The Bucket List Tour.” (Photo courtesy Steveo.com)
Stunts to Stage
Steve-O began touring as a comedian in 2010 and taped his first comedy special in 2015 which consisted of him and a microphone on stage telling his crazy life stories.
“Because I noticed I was telling stories in that show that for the most part had happened on camera, I thought how cool would it be to edit the footage and make a multimedia comedy special with the footage to illustrate the stories I was telling,” he said.
So after a second comedy special where he used footage from his stunts, Steve-O said he wanted to stop living in the past and instead of recalling his crazy stunts, he wanted to create some new material outside of the “Jackass” world.
One of these ideas included in the new show involved getting a vasectomy, but of course, doing it the Steve-O way.
“At the age of 12 years old I heard a joke, ‘What is the definition of macho? It’s a man who jogs home from his own vasectomy,’” he said.
“So then I thought I’m going to get a vasectomy and do a lot more than just jog. And I call that idea the Vasectomy Olympics,” he said.
So after undergoing the procedure Steve-O immediately got on a horse and went galloping bareback in his hospital gown to a piñata party where he was the piñata.
Another stunt, which is based on an old saying about something hitting the fan, involved Steve-O not using the bathroom for three days — and then consuming laxatives.
“I had a crew over to the house to film it. What happened was it all went sideways when it hit the fan and the crew went running for their lives when all the poop started flying sideways,” Steve-O said. “But my girlfriend at that time, she held her ground, she stood there and took it.” He added that this was when he knew they were meant for each other.
And why does Steve-O think he’s still alive and well after decades of putting his life at risk?
“I do believe I have guardian angels to some extent. It’s the only way I can explain it. My only answer to how am I still alive is that I’m going to point towards my angels,” he said.
The Bucket List Tour
When: 8 p.m. March 10
Where: The Novo, 800 W. Olympic Blvd., Los Angeles
Tickets: $35-$75
Information: thenovodtla.com