This is the 14th year The Register has partnered with Philadelphia-based Energage to determine Orange County’s Top Workplaces. The results are based solely on a scientific employee survey process.
Starting in late May, The Register welcomed anyone to nominate companies as Top Workplaces. Energage also reached out to companies. Any employer was eligible, as long as it had at least 35 employees in the county. Employers could be public, private, nonprofit, or governmental. There is no cost to enter the Top Workplaces program.
2021 Top Workplaces logo
In all, 3,194 employers in the county were invited to have their employees take the survey. Any organization was eligible to participate, provided it had at least 35 employees in Orange County. Employers could be public, private, nonprofit, or governmental. There is no cost to enter the Top Workplaces program.
Combined, the companies surveyed for the 2021 program employed 39,787 people in Orange County. Of employees who received questionnaires, 23,568 responded, either on paper or online. For 2021, a record 155 employers earned recognition as Top Workplaces.
Employers are ranked among groups of similar size to most accurately compare results. Within those size groupings, companies are ranked, and those that score high enough are recognized as Top Workplaces. Energage also determines special award winners based on standout scores on specific survey topics.
If you wonder why a particular company is not on the list, it might be because it chose not to participate in the survey, or because it did not score well enough in the survey process. Sometimes, Energage disqualifies employers based on questionable results detected through statistical tests it runs to ensure organizations are accurately administering the survey.
To participate in the 2022 program, go to ocregister.com/nominate.
To read more about the 155 organizations named in the Top Workplaces survey, check our online database at ocregister.com/workplaces.
If you’re sharing with friends, be sure to use the hashtag #topworkplaces.